Categories: Blog

Trying to keep up with all these horses!

I started my blog back up, and then life happened and I got sidetracked. Having three hoses and three dogs will do that to you. Never mind all of the other things, right? Anyway, I am going to try to keep up with posts and talking about bringing along my three horses – VG Ben Jovi, VG Midnight Cowboy and Saint Croix. I mostly call them Jovi, Cowboy and Saint. Sometimes – Little Jo, CB, and well, just Saint because he pretty much fits that name.

I have been having so much fun working with all of the horses. I have already put a good couple of years into Jovi and feel that he is a horse that I can trust to take anywhere at this point. Parade safe, ride start safe. But he is opinionated and smart and has realized that his job is to be an endurance horse so I need to be on my full game-on mode with him. I still consider him to be green, or fairly green, maybe not neon but at least grass green, lol. So smart though, and we have really come a long way together. I can’t speak to the future, but so far I can say that Jovi has been my most challenging horse. He has only done one 50 so far, so just barely qualifies as an endurance horse but my goal for him is to be an overall safe horse to ride at various events.

Now the other two, I have so much to share about them and how they are coming along and some of our triumphs and also the fails, like with Saint and how he panics being inside a trailer. He can load easily enough but close him in…..yiikes!!!!….we have a lot of work to do there. Cowboy on the other hand, self loads and has no fear or anxiety. Even Jovi is now self loading. So much to talk about and share.

The R+ Positive Reinforcement / Clicker Training is working really well for us. I am trying to learn everything I can to incorporate as much of that into the new horse training as I can. I want to share more links to podcasts and videos showing R+ training. I am trying to learn as much as I can so that I can make mentally healthier horses.

Thank you for following!


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