Introductions: Saint Croix

I had a hard time deciding between these two endurance prospects – VG Midnight Cowboy, and Saint Croix. So I got them both! Let me tell you guys about Saint Croix.

Saint Croix is an 8 year old grey gelding that is line bred Raffles that I was told about from my friend Robbi Pruitt. Robbi is a breeder in Oregon of CMK horses and had one of the mares in SC’s pedigree.

Saint Croix has not had much done with him because he was so small (around 14 hh), which was fine with me because I was looking for a smaller horse. He was allowed to grow up on a lot of acreage turned out. His feet are a little long but are overall in really great shape. I think he is probably a little under 14 hh but has more than enough spunk and athleticism that I think he’ll work well for me.

Once I saw his pedigree I knew I would like him as he has so many horses in his pedigree that were also in my horse Granite Chief+/’s pedigree. I love both the CMK and the Spanish (and also has some of the same Polish lines that Bo had), it is a fantastic combination! This horse reminds me of Chief in so many ways it is uncanny. Something inside was telling me that I shouldn’t pass on the opportunity to get this horse, even though I knew that VG Midnight Cowboy was my dream horse. Now I had two to choose from!

I imagine that I’ll come up with a barn name for Saint Croix once I get to know him. I’ve already been able to put him and Cowboy together and they are getting along famously. They became bonded during their long trailer here from Oregon yesterday.

I’ll add some video at the bottom of this post. I’ll get more once I can get these new boys turned out into a larger area. For now they are still settling in. Looks like I am going to have my hands full for awhile.

Introductions: VG Midnight Cowboy

This is my new horse VG Midnight Cowboy. He just turned 4 in June 2023 and is from Van Gilder Arabians. I’m fortunate enough now to have two “VG” horses. Cowboy has three white socks while Jovi has four so even my husband can tell them apart!

Cowboy will still grow for another 4 years, at least through his 7th year. I expect that he will fully mature in the 14.2 to .3 range. I think that his name suits him quite well. He was born in the middle of the night and he arrived here last night in the middle of the night. I wanted a clean slate to train and start myself for my next endurance horse prospect. I love these CMK bred horses they have such wonderful dispositions and are so athletic. They are truly special and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find them as there are not as many being bred these days.

I’m really impressed with how calm and laid back this horse is. So far he has been taking everything in stride and staying totally cool and collected. He has been watching the llams with curiosity though they are timid and still haven’t come over to the fenceline. He is quite the foodie, and has a lovely floating trot.

I’m looking forward to getting to know Cowboy and start working with him. I will keep this album on FB updated with photos and videos so we can chronicle our progress:  VG Midnight Cowboy.